Archive for the ‘Vitamin E’ Category


Vitamin E Fractions Lower Coronary Plaque Risk

January 30, 2012
Vitamin E and it's Eight Fractions Help Prevent Coronary Plaque

Vitamin E and it's Eight Fractions Help Prevent Coronary Plaque

Few people pay attention to the importance of vitamin E, much less the multi-fractioned mirror image versions of the vitamin known as isomers (consisting of tocotrienols and tocopherols). Vitamin E has long been known as a nutrient that may play a role in maintaining heart health, but extensive new research explains that the vitamin in all its potent forms is required to dramatically lower the risk of heart disease and heart attack.

Recent studies also confirm that the nutrient family may play a crucial role to thwart the effects of metabolic syndrome, precursor to the diabetes epidemic. Health-minded individuals may need to supplement with a full spectrum form of the vitamin to obtain sufficient quantities to avert a multitude of chronic killer diseases that plaque millions today.

Study Found Vitamin E Tocotrienols Lowered Damage to Heart Muscle by 75%

Vitamin E Tocotrienols Influence Gene Expression to Prevent Heart Disease

Vitamin E Tocotrienols Influence Gene Expression to Prevent Heart Disease

An ever expanding detailed body of evidence is mounting to support the importance of the tocotrienol fraction of vitamin E. While all eight isomers are required for optimal health and disease prevention, the four tocotrienols have emerged as critical components shown to influence LDL cholesterol particle size and oxidation rate. Researchers publishing the result of a study in the journal Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry explain that tocotrienols protect the heart against adverse gene signaling that is a consequence of elevated cholesterol.

A study was designed using rabbits placed on a high cholesterol diet for a period of 60 days. The test animals were supplemented with alpha, gamma, or delta tocotrienols for 30 days, and then subjected to experimentally induced heart attack. Measures of serum cholesterol were cut in half in the rabbits on gamma tocotrienol and nearly in half on those receiving the alpha tocotrienol isomer. The delta tocotrienol form did not exert any effect on cholesterol. Additionally, gamma tocotrienol reduced damage to the heart by 77% and alpha tocotrienol resulted in 67% less damage to the critical heart muscle.

Vitamin E Fractions Reduce the Formation of Cardiovascular Arterial Plaque

Vitamin E is also Shown to Lower Diabetes Risk

Vitamin E is also Shown to Lower Diabetes Risk

Metabolic syndrome is a group of symptoms closely associated with the development of diabetes. People exhibiting metabolic syndrome characteristics run more than twice the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Researchers from the University of Southern Queensland in Australia found “Tocotrienols improved lipid profiles and reduced atherosclerotic lesions, decreased blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin concentrations, normalized blood pressure, and inhibited adipogenesis.”

Researchers determined that a variety of different receptors or genetic signaling mechanisms are involved that can prevent the dangerous systemic inflammation known to precipitate heart disease and diabetes. Natural sources of vitamin E tocotrienols include most varieties of nuts and seeds as well as coconut oil in its unrefined state. Most people will want to ensure adequate intake of this critical nutritional fraction by including a full-spectrum supplement to improve heart health and prevent metabolic syndrome.


Vitamin E Fractions Lower Heart Disease Risk, Extend Lifespan

October 5, 2011
Vitamin E Compounds Shown to Lower Risk of a Heart Attack

Vitamin E Compounds Shown to Lower Risk of a Heart Attack

Very few people realize that there are eight different fractions of vitamin E known as tocotrienols that are essential to optimal health and protect against vascular diseases such as heart disease and stroke. Tocotrienols are so critical that new research demonstrates a shortage of these vitamin isomers can lead to premature chromosomal telomere shortening and reduced lifespan.

Reporting in the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, researchers show that tocotrienols can extend the length of the zipper-like genetic strands and protect against DNA damage. Natural food sources for tocotrienols are few, so it may be necessary to supplement with this vital nutrient to reap the amazing vascular and life-extending benefits.

Telomere Length Determines the Ultimate Lifespan of a Cell

Vitamin E Prevents Premature Telomere Shortening

Vitamin E Prevents Premature Telomere Shortening

The length of a telomere determines how many times a cell can accurately split in the body’s never ending quest to repair itself and eliminate rogue cells that can lead to cancer. Typically cells will divide between 30 and 50 times during a lifetime, a number that varies depending on the cell type. Any mechanism that can prolong the frequency a cell requires to split or can extend the length of the telomere will provide a youth-enhancing extension that down regulates the risk for cancer.

Telomeres are prematurely shortened by free radical attacks and negative lifestyle habits such as smoking, poor diet and lack of physical activity. The result of the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology study found that the tocotrienol form of vitamin E enabled human cells to undergo telomere lengthening by rejuvenating telomerase, an enzyme known to preserve telomere structure and length. The study also found that tocotrienols prevented damage to delicate DNA strands and allowed the cells to rejuvenate, significantly lowering the risk of cancerous mutations that accumulate over many decades.

Vitamin E Tocotrienols Improve Lipid Biomarkers to Prevent a Heart Attack

Vitamin E Tocotrienols Improve Blood Lipids to Lower Heart Attack Risk

Vitamin E Tocotrienols Improve Blood Lipids to Lower Heart Attack Risk

A supporting body of research published in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism found that supplementing with tocotrienols (160 mg per day for 6 months) markedly lowered the oxidized LDL lipid profile of adults over the age of 50. The study further determined that a damaging cause of free radicals known as advanced glycation end products (AGE`s) was reduced by the potent antioxidant properties exhibited by the vitamin sub fraction. AGE`s are known to escalate the risks associated with vascular disease (heart disease, stroke and congestive heart failure) and vitamin E tocotrienols provide significant support to halt the development of these deadly conditions.

Tocotrienols are rapidly emerging as a natural nutrient that can provide an invisible shield against chronic diseases that plague many aging adults. They can be found in many foods ranging from nuts and seeds to cold pressed oils, but most health-minded people will want to supplement to ensure a full range of all eight essential forms. In addition to traditional vitamin E listed on many multi-vitamins, be sure to supplement with a full-range formulation that lists all tocotrienols individually to maintain vascular health and lower cancer risk.


Triglycerides Lowered with Vitamin E Tocotrienol Supplementation

August 24, 2011
Vitamin E Isomers Shown to Lower Blood Triglycerides

Vitamin E Isomers Shown to Lower Blood Triglycerides

Extensive Big Pharma propaganda has most allopathic physicians and their patients focused on blood cholesterol levels as a critical factor in cardiovascular disease development, as this is a number they can easily manipulate with dangerous statin drugs. Extensive scientific research points to increased levels of blood fat triglycerides as a primary cause of heart disease, cognitive decline, dementia and metabolic syndrome leading to diabetes.

Researchers reporting in the Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis found that the full spectrum of vitamin E tocotrienols supplemented for 30 days decreased artery-clogging triglycerides by 28%. Vitamin E tocotrienol supplementation along with carbohydrate restriction is recommended for individuals with a triglyceride level above 80 mg/dl to reduce cardiovascular and chronic disease risks.

Dangerous Triglyceride Blood Levels Lowered with Vitamin E Tocotrienols

Vitamin E Tocotrienols Affect Gene Expression to Avert Chronic Disease

Vitamin E Tocotrienols Affect Gene Expression to Avert Chronic Disease

Triglycerides are generated in the liver in response to a diet high in processed carbohydrates and hydrogenated or trans fats. They accumulate in organs around the body, especially the cardiac muscle where they influence the expression of genes that promote coronary artery disease. Triglycerides also lead to aggravated accumulation of blood platelets and are known to cause potentially deadly clots that cause heart attack or stroke.

Cutting edge research from a team of Singapore researchers found that the full spectrum of vitamin E tocotrienols, especially the gamma and delta forms suppressed negative gene expression that generates excess lipids in the form of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Additionally these lesser known isomers of vitamin E lower LDL cholesterol oxidation and inhibit the ability of the compound to attach to endothelial cells where they form unstable plaque leading to coronary artery disease.

Researchers demonstrated that supplementation with a full spectrum vitamin E preparation including all 4 essential tocotrienols lowered total cholesterol by 25% and triglyceride levels by 28%. Participants in the study received a dose of vitamin E tocotrienols (including gamma-delta tocotrienols) of 120 mg per day for a period of 30 days. Beneficial HDL cholesterol levels were unaffected.

Vitamin E Supplementation Inhibits Fat Cell Formation

Vitamin E is Shown to Assist Weight Loss Maintenance Goals

Vitamin E is Shown to Assist Weight Loss Maintenance Goals

Publishing in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, scientists examined the impact of vitamin E supplementation on the genesis of liver triglycerides and subsequent impact on heart health. They found that tocotrienols suppress the development of immature fat cells, helping to reduce the level of inflammation generated by fat tissue. Inflammation is a primary cause of heart disease and any nutrient that reduces this dangerous cellular flame will help squelch the number one killer in the US and western civilizations.

Vitamin E tocotrienols also deal a powerful blow to cancer initiation processes by providing anti-inflammatory and antioxidant mechanisms. Health-minded people will want to ensure a diet naturally high in nuts, seeds, vegetables and unprocessed vegetable oil to benefit from this amazing nutrient. Supplementation with a full spectrum vitamin E gelcap is necessary to achieve the health-promoting results demonstrated in most research studies.


Vitamin E Tocopherols Lower Heart Disease, Cancer and Dementia Risks

May 4, 2011
Vitamin E Fractions Required to Prevent Chronic Disease

Vitamin E Fractions Required to Prevent Chronic Disease

Health conscious individuals would cite vitamin E as an essential antioxidant necessary for cardiovascular health and protection from cancer. There are a number of different tocopherol forms of vitamin E known as isomers and it’s important to understand that both the alpha and gamma types must be available in the body to lower risk from disease.

The alpha form has been shown to inhibit the production of new free radicals and gamma tocopherol is required to trap and neutralize existing free radicals. Optimal health is dependent on receiving both forms from proper diet or supplementing as necessary.

Most Vitamin Formulations Only Contain Alpha Tocopherol

Avoid Multi-Vitamins That Contain Singular Form Synthetic Vitamins

Avoid Multi-Vitamins That Contain Singular Form Synthetic Vitamins

Alpha and gamma tocopherol forms work in synergy to provide antioxidant support and reduce levels of damaging systemic inflammation. The alpha form is the most abundant and best known form and is used exclusively in many multi vitamin formulations. This means that the gamma type must be provided through diet to provide proper balance of the two isomers. The gamma variety is the most common form of the vitamin found in food sources including many nuts, seeds and natural oils.

Most vitamin formulations contain 400 mg of alpha tocopherol. Nutrition experts advise that a minimum of 100 to as much as 400 mg of the gamma form be taken to offset and balance the alpha version. Food sources typically provide 5 to 25 mg of gamma tocopherol per serving and can only supply a small part of the daily requirement. Supplementation may be necessary to reach optimal saturation of this fat soluble super nutrient.

Gamma Tocopherol Protects Against Atherosclerosis

Gamma tocopherols provide specific protection against the inflammatory induced damage that leads to the development and proliferation of atherosclerosis. The results of a study published in the Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology show how the gamma isomer has the unique ability to block stress induced inflammatory chemical messengers and favorably induce changes to the inner endothelial lining of the coronary arteries. Gamma tocopherols also increase the production of nitric oxide that helps to relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure.

Gamma Tocopherol is a Powerful Anti-Cancer Agent

The gamma form of vitamin E helps to fight cancer through a variety of critical protective mechanisms. Information published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences provides insight to how gamma tocopherol traps free radicals known as reactive nitrogen species that cause DNA strand mutations and can lead to cancerous mutations. Another property of gamma tocopherol is the ability to regulate molecules known as cyclins that trap cancer cells and prevent them from reproducing and spreading.

Vitamin E Shown to Lower Alzheimer’s Risk by Half

Supplementation with Vitamin E Can Lower Alzheimer's Risk by Half

Supplementation with Vitamin E Can Lower Alzheimer's Risk by Half

The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease has published the results of a study indicating that those individuals with the highest blood levels of all forms of vitamin E were 55% less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease over a six year period. The study found the antioxidant free radical neutralizing potency of vitamin E was responsible for reduced risk from dementia.

Vitamin E is well known as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrient that is critical to human health. It`s important to know that there are alpha and gamma tocopherol forms of the vitamin that work together to protect against cancer, dementia and cardiovascular disease. In addition to a diet rich in nuts and seeds many people will need to supplement with full spectrum vitamin E to achieve optimal disease protection.


Super Nutrients Can Prevent Fatty Liver Disease

April 27, 2011
The Liver is Very Sensitive to Fat Accumulation Due to Refined Carb Diet

The Liver is Very Sensitive to Fat Accumulation Due to Refined Carb Diet

As many as 1in 3 Americans are living with a ticking bomb known as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The condition is virtually symptomless until the liver becomes inflamed or scarred from decades of dietary abuse. While a small percentage of cases are attributable to a genetic failure to metabolize fats properly, the vast majority of NAFLD is caused by poor dietary choices that increase dangerous blood fat levels.

As a consequence fat is deposited in the liver cells where it triggers inflammation and the release of chemical messengers known as adipokines as the liver attempts to repair itself. Left unchecked, NAFLD can progress to cirrhosis and liver failure. Emerging research provides powerful nutritional options including milk thistle and vitamin E that can dramatically lower the risk of developing fatty liver disease.

Understanding the Cause of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

The Liver Cannot Metabolize Excess Amounts of Dietary Fat

The Liver Cannot Metabolize Excess Amounts of Dietary Fat

Many chronic conditions are known to initiate and progress due to inflammation within our body and fatty liver disease is no exception. The liver is responsible for metabolizing cholesterol and influences how fat is either burned for energy or stored for future use. An increasing burden is placed on the organ as we eat excess calories from sugar, refined carbohydrates and hydrogenated fats. Fat metabolism is disrupted as high levels of blood fats become stored in the liver. Eventually this leads to a decline in liver function and finally to total organ failure and death.

Study Supports the Antioxidant Power of Vitamin E

Vitamin E Regulates Insulin Sensitivity to Help Remove Liver Fat Stores

Vitamin E Regulates Insulin Sensitivity to Help Remove Liver Fat Stores

Natural nutrients that are known to exert strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties have proven more effective than any pharmaceutical in the prevention and treatment of NAFLD. Researchers from the Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center compared the effect of vitamin E and the drug Actos on lowering liver enzymes that are associated with advancement of liver disease. They found that the insulin-sensitizing drug had no effect while vitamin E (800 IU per day) was shown to provide significantly lowered enzyme markers and improved scarring when liver biopsies were performed.

Fish Oil Fatty Acids Improve Blood Lipids, Improve Liver Function

EPA and DHA Omega-3 fats have gained notoriety for their ability to positively regulate cholesterol ratios and lower triglycerides. Research published on the British Medical Journal found that supplementing with 1,000 mg of Omega-3 fats per day markedly decreased serum markers of liver cell damage, triglyceride levels and glucose. Any natural therapy that helps the body eliminate triglycerides and lower blood sugar levels will lower the underlying risk factors for NAFLD.

Milk Thistle Shown to Directly Target the Liver

The active compound in milk thistle, known as silymarin is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent that directly impacts liver function. Researchers have discovered that milk thistle inhibits the release of cytokines from the liver that normally increases with fatty liver inflammation. This action allows the liver to begin the natural healing process while reducing fat accumulation and reducing blood markers associated with liver damage.

Vitamin E, Omega-3 fats and milk thistle each help to restore normal liver function for the millions of men, women and children that suffer the silent effects of fatty liver disease. Including all three of these powerful natural nutrients in your daily disease-fighting arsenal will provide a multi-modal defense against NAFLD.


Exercise and Vitamin E Help Lower Alzheimer’s Disease Risk

February 14, 2011

(Article first published as Walking and Diet Dramatically Cut Risk of Alzheimer`s Disease on Technorati.)

Alzheimer's Disease is Preventable with Proper Diet and Exercise

Alzheimer's Disease is Preventable with Proper Diet and Exercise

Medical researchers continue to demonstrate that the development and progression of one of the most feared conditions of our generation is not an inevitable occurrence. Alzheimer`s disease affects 1 in 10 people by age 65 and nearly half of those aged 85 or older.

The disease develops undetected over the course of decades due to a diet deficient in nutrients and antioxidants and lack of regular physical activity. You can ensure your risk of developing this devastating form of dementia is negated by taking appropriate dietary and lifestyle actions today.

Walking Protects the Brain from Cognitive Decline

Walking is Shown to Increase Brain Volume

Walking is Shown to Increase Brain Volume

Brain volume is directly related to our ability to learn and form new memories. One of the hallmark signs of Alzheimer`s disease is a loss of brain cells due to death of the critical neuronal structures. This effect can be measured using an MRI and is an indicator of cognitive decline and disease progression. The results of a study conducted by the Radiological Society of North America demonstrated that walking the equivalent of five miles per week significantly lowered the decline in brain volume commonly seen in aging adults.

The findings showed that greater amounts of physical activity were associated with greater brain volume. Individuals with demonstrated cognitive decline were able to maintain brain volume and slow cognitive decline. Healthy subjects needed to walk an average of six miles each week to maintain brain volume and significantly lower risk of developing dementia. The study author concluded that “walking can improve your brain’s resistance to the disease and reduce memory loss over time.”

Poor Blood Sugar Regulation and Insulin Resistance Degrade Brain Health

The effects of blood sugar and insulin resistance are now implicated in the development of Alzheimer`s disease. The results of a Japanese study published in the journal Neurology showed that insulin resistance was particularly damaging to the brain structure and was involved in the formation of amyloid protein plaques. High blood sugar causes dysfunctional particles known as AGE`s (advanced glycation end products) that degrade the normally flexible structure of brain cells. Eliminating sugar and processed carbohydrates that cause AGE formation can improve cognitive function.

Low Vitamin E Levels Trigger Onset of Alzheimer`s Disease

Vitamin E Protects Delicate Brain Neurons

Vitamin E Protects Delicate Neurons in the Aging Brain

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that can be deficient in diet despite our best efforts. The results of research published in the Journal of Alzheimer`s Disease found that damage by free radicals is a primary cause of cognitive decline. Vitamin E has been shown to cross the blood-brain barrier to provide protection against oxidative damage and prevent inflammatory damage. The study demonstrated that when vitamin E levels are depleted, free radical damage accelerates and Alzheimer`s disease sets in. Nuts, seeds and leafy greens provide an excellent food source for vitamin E.

Alzheimer`s disease presents after decades of an inactive lifestyle and diet deplete in essential nutrients and antioxidants that our brain requires to maintain optimal function. Those wishing to avoid this devastating affliction will stay physically active, ensure a natural diet that provides healthy antioxidants and avoid processed foods that lead to metabolic dysfunction. You can spare your memory and extend your healthy lifespan with simple lifestyle modifications.


Vitamin E Essential to Prevent Cancer and Heart Disease

January 15, 2011

(Article first published as Full Spectrum Vitamin E Required to Prevent Chronic Disease on Technorati.)

There are 8 Forms of Viamin E, All Critical to Good Health

There are 8 Forms of Vitamin E, All Critical to Good Health

Health conscious people understand the importance of a diet that includes all the essential vitamins and minerals to avoid chronic illness as we age. Vitamin E is known to confer many health benefits including support for the heart and brain as well as an immune system booster.

Many are surprised to find out that this critical vitamin exists in many different natural forms, all of which are required for vibrant health. Those who supplement with the most common form of the vitamin in the absence of the full array of tocopherols may be placing their health at risk. A healthy natural diet of leafy greens, nuts, seeds and monounsaturated fats will ensure you receive full benefit from all sources of this misunderstood antioxidant vitamin.

Poor Diet and Basic Synthetic Multi-Vitamin Harmful to Health

Junk Food Has Been Stripped of Natural Vitamin E

Junk Food Has Been Stripped of Natural Vitamin E

There are 2 primary forms of vitamin E known as tocopherols and tocotrienols. Each form consists of 4 mirror isomers (alpha, beta, gamma and delta) that work in synergy to provide disease protection. Much research exists on the benefits of the most prevalent type of vitamin E, alpha-tocopherol that is isolated for use in most multi-vitamins. Many people eating a processed diet of junk food supplement with a basic synthetic multi-vitamin and are unaware they have a vitamin E imbalance that could actually be harmful.

Optimal Antioxidant Action Requires All Forms of Vitamin E

In order to ensure you receive the antioxidant benefit from this powerful vitamin you need to cut all refined foods and sugar from your diet. Include leafy greens, vegetables, monounsaturated fats, fish, nuts and seeds that provide a healthy dose of the full spectrum of vitamin E. Some people will want to supplement when their diet is deficient in natural food options. Choose an organic whole food based vitamin source and be sure the alpha tocopherol being used is natural and not synthetic. The natural form includes the letter `d` at the beginning of the name.

The Vitamin E Family Prevents Heart Disease

Vitamin E is a Powerful Heart Health Antioxidant

Vitamin E is a Powerful Heart Health Antioxidant

In addition to protecting cells from damaging free radicals, the gamma form of vitamin E has shown the capability to reduce damaging levels of oxidized LDL cholesterol that can form arterial plaque. The result of a study published in the Journal of Nutrition demonstrated that gamma tocopherol lowers levels of blood fats known as triglycerides and was shown to inhibit atherogenic lesions. It`s important to note that both the alpha and gamma forms of vitamin E were necessary to produce the benefits seen this study.

Cancer Risk Reduced with Tocotrienols

Lowered risk of hormone dependent cancer lines including those affecting the breast and prostate have been attributed to the full spectrum of vitamin E forms. In a study published in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, the alpha, gamma and delta forms of vitamin E were shown to halt cancer proliferation by forcing damaged cells to undergo apoptosis or programmed cell death. In this study alpha tocopherol was found ineffective underscoring the importance of the full range of tocotrienols and tocopherols.

Vitamin E is an essential nutrient that is rapidly gaining status as a powerful agent in the fight against heart disease, cancer, dementia and immune health. It`s important to make certain you receive the full complement of tocotrienols and tocopherols that make up this diverse family of antioxidants through natural diet or targeted supplementation.