Archive for the ‘Alzheimer's Disease’ Category


Vitamin D Helps Prevent Heart Disease, Dementia and Diabetes

August 27, 2012
Vitamin D Supplements Prevent Chronic Diseases

Vitamin D Supplements Prevent Chronic Diseases

Scientific research bodies extolling the amazing virtues of the prohormone, vitamin D have been published in rapid succession to explain the preventive mechanism shown to prevent cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. Three independent reviews demonstrate that maintaining a vitamin D blood level between 50 and 70 ng/mL can provide optimal protection against many chronic diseases.

Researchers’ publishing in the journal Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases provide evidence that vitamin D is intrinsically involved in the homeostasis of the cardiovascular system. Disruption of the body’s natural stasis system contributes to diabetes, obesity, elevated blood lipids, high blood pressure, endothelial dysfunction, stroke and risk of coronary artery disease. Scientists advise supplementation of 4,000 to 8,000 IU of vitamin D per day to achieve optimal levels, far above the anemic 400 IU currently recommended.

Vitamin D Controls Genetic Receptors to Guard against Chronic Disease

Vitamin D is Shown to Work at the Genetic Level to Halt Heart Disease

Vitamin D is Shown to Work at the Genetic Level to Halt Heart Disease

Scientists at the University of Miami’s School of Medicine demonstrate a direct genetic link between low vitamin D levels and the development of amyloid proteins in the brain, commonly associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Reporting in the journal Neurobiology of Aging, researchers looked at gene signaling in relation to the vitamin D receptor in 492 late onset Alzheimer’s patients and 496 control subjects.

When vitamin D receptors were not activated on the surface of individual cells due to poor vitamin D saturation in the blood, precise gene signaling went awry that halted normal clearance of the dementia-related protein clumps. The team conducting the study concluded “Our findings are consistent with epidemiology studies suggesting that vitamin D insufficiency increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.”

Test Vitamin D Blood Levels Regularly to Ensure Optimal Range

Test Vitamin D Blood Levels Regularly to Achieve Optimal Disease Protection

Test Vitamin D Blood Levels Regularly to Achieve Optimal Disease Protection

Researchers in Spain evaluated the vitamin D status of 1,226 individuals in 1996. The participants were again tested eight years later, and vitamin D levels were contrasted with development of diabetes over the course of the study. The results, published in the journal Clinical Nutrition, found that those with vitamin D blood levels above 18.5 ng/mL had an 83 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes during the eight year period. No one in the study with a vitamin D score over 30 ng/mL developed type 2 diabetes.

It has become very clear from countless research studies published over the past decade that vitamin D qualifies among the most crucial and essential hormone-based nutrients. And still millions of people continue to place themselves at unnecessary risk by ignoring this information.

Most people above the age of twenty-one should supplement with a minimum of 2,000 IU of vitamin D every day and have their blood tested to ensure they reach the optimal range of 50 to 70 ng/mL. Extensive research provides more than sufficient evidence that maintaining a proper vitamin D level can dramatically lower the risk of heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease diabetes and many other chronic illnesses.


Brain Volume and Cognition Preserved by Eating Fish

May 1, 2012
Fatty Fish Helps Prevent Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)

Fatty Fish Helps Prevent Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)

Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh found that people who eat baked or broiled fish on a weekly basis may be improving their brain health and lowering their risk of developing Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer’s disease. The results, released at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America established a direct relationship between fish consumption, brain structure and Alzheimer’s risk.

The study determined that eating baked or broiled fish once per week led to better preservation of gray matter volume on MRI scans in brain areas at risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Health-minded people may be able to dramatically lower the risk of developing this most feared memory-robbing illness.

Regular Fish Consumption Preserves Brain Volume and Cognitive Function

Fish Consumption Linked with Grey Matter Preservation in the Brain

Fish Consumption Linked with Grey Matter Preservation in the Brain

Dr. Cyrus Raji, M.D., Ph.D., from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and his team developed a cohort of 260 cognitively normal individuals. Information on fish consumption was gathered using the National Cancer Institute Food Frequency Questionnaire. 163 participants consumed fish on a weekly basis, and the majority ate fish one to four times per week.

Each subject was examined using a 3-D volumetric MRI scan of the brain to measure gray matter volume. The test was used to model the relationship between weekly fish consumption at baseline and brain structure after a period of ten years. Data was then analyzed to determine if gray matter volume preservation associated with fish consumption reduced the risk for Alzheimer’s disease. The study controlled for age, gender, education, race, obesity, physical activity, and the presence or absence of apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4), a gene that increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s.

Eating Fatty Fish Once Per Week Preserves Cognitive Function

Eat Fatty Fish Once Per Week for Maximum Benefits

Eat Fatty Fish Once Per Week for Maximum Benefits

The findings showed that consumption of baked or broiled fish on a weekly basis was positively associated with gray matter volumes in several areas of the brain. Higher grey matter brain volume correlates with increased cognitive function and is commonly used to determine progression of degenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s. Maintaining grey matter volume over a five-year period lowers risk of Alzheimer’s disease by five-fold.

Dr. Raji concluded “Consuming baked or broiled fish promotes stronger neurons in the brain’s gray matter by making them larger and healthier… this simple lifestyle choice increases the brain’s resistance to Alzheimer’s disease and lowers risk for the disorder.” Eating fatty fish at least once per week (preferably at several meals) improves working memory and allows people to focus on tasks that commit information to short-term memory, improving cognitive function and lowering the risk from Alzheimer’s disease.


Omega-3 Fat Ratio and B Vitamins Slow Alzheimer’s Disease

February 20, 2012
Alzheimer's Disease is Largely Precipitated by Poor Nutritional Factors

Alzheimer's Disease is Largely Precipitated by Poor Nutritional Factors

Proper nutritional status attained by consuming a healthy diet teaming with natural vitamins and minerals along with optimization of omega fat lipid ratios can help to prevent cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathology. Researchers studying the effects of nutrition at Oxford University in England found that daily supplementation with folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12 lowered levels of homocysteine, a known risk factor leading to decline in cognition and memory.

Further evidence published in the journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research explains that a disproportionate ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids plays a crucial role in the development of AD in later life. Cellular nutritional saturation from diet and appropriate supplementation with B vitamins and omega-3 fats may provide the cornerstone to prevent this most feared memory-robbing disease.

B Vitamin Supplementation Shown to Lower Homocysteine by 30% and Slow Brain Atrophy

Study Finds B Vitamins Lowers Homocysteine to Reduce Alzheimer's Risk

Study Finds B Vitamins Lowers Homocysteine to Reduce Alzheimer's Risk

Reporting in the International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, scientists examined the proposed link between elevated homocysteine levels and cognitive decline. Homocysteine has already been shown to dramatically increase the risk of heart disease and heart attack in prior studies. Researchers examined 266 people over the age of 70 with established mild cognitive impairment, and broke them into two groups. One group was supplemented with folic acid, vitamin B6 and B12, vitamin cofactors that lower homocysteine levels, while the second group received a placebo.

Brain wasting or atrophy is a common sign of cognitive impairment and is closely associated with Alzheimer’s dementia. The rate of brain atrophy is increased by higher concentrations of homocysteine in the blood and brain tissue. Researchers examining the results of this study found that the group supplemented with B vitamins for a period of two years experienced a 30% reduction in homocysteine levels. They found dramatic improvements in mental tests including global cognition and episodic memory (69% improvement in word recall memory) compared to the control group.

Omega-6 to Omega-3 Fat Ratio in Diet Creates an Imbalance in the Brain

Improper Omega Fat Ratio in Diet Slows Alzheimer's Disease Progression

Improper Omega Fat Ratio in Diet Slows Alzheimer's Disease Progression

The standard American diet (SAD) includes large quantities of oxidized omega-6 fats from fried and processed foods when compared to omega-3 fat consumption (from fish, nuts and seeds). The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids ranges from 20:1 to as high as 50:1 (ideal range is no more than 4:1), creating a perpetual degree of inflammation throughout the body. Researchers have determined that this imbalance creates a disturbance in brain chemistry affecting neurotransmitter balance and electrical firing in the brain that sets the stage for amyloid tangles and cognitive decline.

Reestablishing omega fat homeostasis by balancing toward a 1:1 intake ratio and correcting B vitamin nutritional deficiencies provide deep insight toward understanding and controlling risk factors for the development of many forms of dementia including Alzheimer’s disease. Most middle aged adults will want to include a high potency B vitamin supplement (preferably formulated from natural food sources) and include omega-3 fats from diet or fish oil consumption to lower dementia risk factors.


Green Tea Improves Blood Cholesterol Profile to Prevent Chronic Diseases

December 5, 2011
Green Tea Consumption Improves LDL Cholesterol Levels

Green Tea Consumption Improves LDL Cholesterol Levels

Green tea consumption has been shown to benefit many health issues ranging from help with weight management to cancer prevention and treatment. New research published in the British Journal of Nutrition explains that the natural extract from the Camellia sinensis plant has a powerful effect on cholesterol metabolism in the human body.

Most forward thinking health professionals now understand that dysfunction in the LDL cholesterol pathway lays the foundation for cardiovascular health problems, cancer and fatty liver disease. Regular green tea consumption is now shown to improve healthy LDL cholesterol function, enabling the fatty molecule to efficiently usher excess cholesterol from the body and improve risk factors for many chronic disease conditions.

Green Tea Alters Gene Expression Lower LDL Cholesterol Levels

Green Tea Alters Gene Expression to Improve Cholesterol

Green Tea Alters Gene Expression to Improve Cholesterol

In one of the first studies of its type, researchers performed DNA microarray analysis to examine the effect of the active compound found in green tea called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Scientists specifically targeted the catechin to determine their effect on cholesterol metabolism in HepG2 hepatocytes. They determined that the expression levels of several genes related to cholesterol metabolism, including the LDL receptor, were changed by EGCG treatment.

EGCG was found to boost the function of the LDL receptor on liver cells. Researchers commented “This is very important as proper function of the LDL receptor enables your liver to “capture” circulating LDL and recycle it.”  In this study, green tea is shown to alter gene expression toward healthy LDL cholesterol metabolism by improving receptor acceptance by the liver. The liver displays an improved capacity to capture and filter LDL cholesterol for removal from the body.

Green Tea Improves Biomarkers to Lower Heart Disease, Cancer and Dementia Risks

Green Tea Lowers Risk of Heart Disease, Cancer and Alzheimer's Dementia

Green Tea Lowers Risk of Heart Disease, Cancer and Alzheimer's Dementia

In addition to the finding that green tea alters LDL cholesterol metabolism, ECGC was found to inhibit genes to reduce the production of Apolipoprotein B (ApoB). ApoB formation is required to initially form LDL molecules in the blood. Excess production of ApoB is a significant marker for chronic illnesses ranging from cardiovascular disease and heart attack to increased risk of cancer and dementia.

Green tea and the active compound EGCG are quickly ascending to nutritional “superstar” status. The Chinese have extolled its virtues for countless generations. Researchers now document the prowess of this nutrient by scientifically validating the direct impact exerted on our genetic structure to affect healthy cholesterol function and removal from the body. The healthy benefits of green tea are realized by drinking several fresh brewed cups of organically harvested leaves each day or supplementing with 250 to 500 mg of EGCG extract.


DHA Omega-3 Fat Lowers Risk of Cognitive Decline, Alzheimer’s Disease

November 25, 2011
DHA Omega-3 Fat LowerS Stroke Risk by One-Quarter

DHA Omega-3 Fat LowerS Stroke Risk by One-Quarter

Several recently published articles highlight the critical importance of Omega-3 fats from fatty fish consumption and fish oil supplements. Scientists publishing in the journal Stroke demonstrate that the active DHA Omega-3 fat component helps brain cells to better withstand the stress load placed on the aging brain to lower the risk of a life-altering stroke by as much as a quarter.

Researchers from the Rhode Island Hospital`s Alzheimer`s Disease and Memory Disorders Center have found that DHA from supplements alter the critical brain chemistry and structure to prevent cognitive decline and abnormal brain aging. A wealth of scientific evidence is mounting to document the importance of Omega-3 fats to assist metabolic disorders that lead to dementia, stroke and chronic disease.

DHA, Omega-3 Fat Lowers Brain Inflammation to Improve Cognitive Function

DHA Lowers Brain Inflammation to Improve Cognition

DHA Lowers Brain Inflammation to Improve Cognition

Inflammation of the vital nerves and critical structures of the brain is a precursor to stress that can play an important role in the development of a life-altering stroke. Researchers publish the result of their work designed to determine if Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil, specifically the long-chain DHA component would be sufficient to reduce neural inflammation and lower risk from a stroke.

To conduct the study, mice were broken into three groups. The first group was supplemented with a DHA-enriched diet, the second group consumed a DHA-depleted diet and the final mice were fed a control diet. After a period of three months, scientists found that only the group with the DHA-enriched diet experienced lower levels of neuroinflammation and had 25% less tissue injury following an induced stroke. They also noted that long-term supplementation resulted in a healthy buildup of DHA fat in brain tissue resulting in an enhanced Omega-3 to Omega-6 fatty acid ratio.

Consumption of Omega-3 Fats Protects the Brain to Lower Damage from a Stroke

DHA Fat Helps Maintain Normal Brain Volume to protect Against Alzheimer's Disease

DHA Fat Helps Maintain Normal Brain Volume to protect Against Alzheimer's Disease

Lead author on the study, Dr. Jasna Kriz concluded “This is the first convincing demonstration of the powerful anti-inflammatory effect of DHA Docosahexaenoic acid Essential Omega 3 fatty acid integral to the health of all cell membranes, nerve and brain function. The consumption of omega-3s creates an anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective environment in the brain that mitigates damage following a stroke.”

Additional evidence of the importance of Omega-3 fats from fish consumption or supplementation is provided by researchers from Rhode Island Hospital. A study was designed using 819 senior participants broken into three groups, those with normal cognition, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer`s Disease. 117 individuals were taking fish oil supplements during the three year course of the study. Taking fish oil supplements was associated with less brain shrinkage and improved cognitive function during the study period.

The lead author, Dr. Lori Daiello concludes, “In the imaging analyses for the entire study population, we found a significant positive association between fish oil supplement use and average brain volumes in two critical areas utilized in memory and thinking.” DHA is preferentially conserved for the construction of neural structures and should be an essential part of your regular menu (from fatty fish) or as a molecularly distilled and purified supplement (500 mg to 1 gram per day) to lower stroke risk and prevent cognitive decline.


Carnosine Aids Cellular Energy Production to Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Dementia

November 9, 2011
Carnosine Supplementation is Shown to Boost Cellular Energy to Blunt Stress Effects

Carnosine Supplementation is Shown to Boost Cellular Energy to Blunt Stress Effects

Carnosine is a naturally occurring antioxidant and metal-chelating nutrient that is shown to minimize the damaging effects of stress on cellular function. Research presented in the PLoS One journal explains that carnosine can help to drastically reduce the formation of amyloid beta protein associated with the brain tangles seen with Alzheimer’s disease.

Our antioxidant defense system is in a continual state of flux, being tested by external pathogens, metabolic glycation and stress that can determine quality of health and risk for disease. Carnosine is shown to boost and recycle existing antioxidants throughout the body to provide a natural shield against chronic illness, and may specifically halt the progression of deadly diseases that lead to dementia and cognitive dysfunction.

Carnosine Supplementation Improves Cellular Energy Production to Prevent Dementia

Carnosine Improves Conversion of Glucose to ATP, Cellular Energy Units

Carnosine Improves Conversion of Glucose to ATP, Cellular Energy Units

Researchers understand that a crucial marker of Alzheimer’s dementia and cognitive decline is the formation of beta-amyloid protein clumps that inhibit the normal electrical and neurotransmitter activity required to function optimally and form new memories. Until recently scientists have not fully understood if the tangles were the cause or result of dementia. New evidence exists to support the theory that amyloid plaques form as a result of a declining ability to naturally clear the protein tangles. Neuroscientists believe that a failure in the energy producing mitochondria where glucose is converted to ATP is to blame.

The study included mice that have been genetically bred to develop a form of dementia that closely resembles Alzheimer`s disease in humans. Energy-producing mitochondria are susceptible to the ravages of free radicals and cellular imbalances in metals like copper, iron, and zinc that cause ultimate failure of the organelles leading to numerous chronic diseases. Supplementing the mice with carnosine was found to “promote a strong reduction in the hippocampal intraneuronal accumulation of amyloid-beta and completely rescue Alzheimer`s disease and aging-related mitochondrial dysfunctions.”

Carnosine Helps Prevent Glycation and May Provide a Treatment Option for Alzheimer’s Disease

Cellular Dysfunction is a Leading Cause of Dementai, Helped by Carnosine Supplementation

Cellular Dysfunction is a Leading Cause of Dementai, Helped by Carnosine Supplementation

Carnosine is a potent antioxidant shown to dramatically lower mitochondrial damage typically caused by stress and glycation (protein-sugar bonds) leading to cellular dysfunction and disease. The study authors went so far as to conclude “Our data indicate that carnosine can be part of a combined therapeutic approach for the treatment of AD.” This is a powerful conclusion considering that Big Pharma has no approved cure or effective treatment for this insidious form of dementia.

Carnosine coupled with other natural nutrients known to be neuroprotective (grape seed extract, resveratrol, curcumin, DHA) can lower the stress placed on critical brain structures and provide an effective shield against development and progression of disease. Carnosine is found most commonly in beef, pork, poultry and dairy products. Many health-minded individuals avoid a diet centered around animal-derived foods and supplementation (1,000 mg per day) has been found to be an effective and bioavailable alternative.


Grape Seed Extracts Lower Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

October 3, 2011
Oligmers From Grapes Shown to Help Prevent Alzheimer's Disease

Oligmers From Grapes Shown to Help Prevent Alzheimer's Disease

Researchers publishing the result of a study in the Journal of Alzheimer`s Disease found that eating grapes and supplementing with grape seed extract compounds help to prevent the development and progression of Alzheimer`s dementia. This devastating form of dementia is characterized by the accumulation of beta-protein clusters in the brain known as oligomers.

A wealth of prior research studies conclude that excess oligomers poison neurons in the brain and cause memory loss associated with the disease. A number of different natural compounds, including grapes and grape extracts provide a powerful protective shield against the progressive memory loss experienced with Alzheimer`s dementia.

Grape Seed Compound Inhibits Brain Protein Implicated in Alzheimer’s Progression

Grape Compounds Inhibit Brain Proteins That Cause Tangles

Grape Compounds Inhibit Brain Proteins That Cause Tangles

Researchers wanted to follow up on prior studies showing that grape seed polyphenolic extract (GSPE) stops alpha-beta oligomers being formed in test tube experiments. Using mice that have been bred to genetically develop Alzheimer’s disease, scientists set to determine the effect of grape polyphenols on cognitive decline. For a period of five months they added GSPE to a standard diet and tested the mice for signs of memory deterioration normally found in this line of transgenic animals.

After the five month period, researchers found that the mice had dramatically lowered levels of alpha beta-56, a specific form of oligomer previously implicated in the promotion of Alzheimer`s disease memory loss. They found that supplemented grape seed extract halted the progression of cognitive decline by helping the brain to clear excess levels of the beta protein implicated with the disease. Dr. Giulio Maria Pasinetti, lead study researcher from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York found the results “strongly suggest that GSPE should be further tested as a potential prevention and/or therapy for AD Alzheimer`s Disease.”

Specific Nutrients, Fruits and Vegetables from Diet Impede Dementia Development

Many Natural Compounds Found in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Improve Brain Chemistry

Natural Compounds Found in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Improve Brain Chemistry

The result of supportive research studies demonstrating the critical importance of natural nutrients to prevent Alzheimer`s disease are published in a prior edition of the Journal of Alzheimer`s Disease. The study focuses on `neuronutrition` to determine the impact of vitamins, minerals and nutrients from many vegetables and fruits to alter the chemistry of the brain and halt degenerative disease. In addition to a calorie restricted diet, the authors cite vitamin E, dietary polyphenols (including GSPE and resveratrol), curcumin, spices and homocysteine reduction.

Researchers conducting this exhaustive study concluded “diets rich in unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, antioxidants, and wine likely suppress its (Alzheimer`s disease) onset. Evidence suggests that diets rich in polyphenols and some spices suppress the onset of AD by scavenging free radicals and preventing oxidative damage.” Nutrition experts recommend adding red grapes to your natural diet or supplementing with 150 mg to 250 mg of grape seed extract daily to dramatically lower Alzheimer`s dementia risk.


Astaxanthin May Hold Key to Chronic Disease Prevention

September 23, 2011
Astaxanthin is a Potent Antioxidant in the Fight Against Chronic Diseases

Astaxanthin is a Potent Antioxidant in the Fight Against Chronic Diseases

There’s a new kid on the block in the world of natural nutrients that promote optimal health and have a significant impact in preventing chronic disease development. Astaxanthin is a red-orange carotenoid pigment derived from microalgae, fish, and crustaceans that can prevent and even treat conditions that progress from the negative effects of oxidative stress and antioxidant deterioration.

Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to be ten times more powerful that other pigments and carotenoids including resveratrol.  Research details published in The American Journal of Cardiology provide solid evidence that astaxanthin supplemented daily can inhibit the damaging effects of oxidative stress that leads to heart disease, heart attack and dementia.

Astaxanthin Helps Arteries to Relax, Lowering Blood Pressure

Astaxanthin Can Relax Arteries to Lower Blood Pressure

Astaxanthin Can Relax Arteries to Lower Blood Pressure

Researchers discovered that the potent antioxidant activity afforded by astaxanthin supplementation results in improved cardiovascular health. The super nutrient positively influences endothelial function, allowing the delicate heart vessels to relax. This lowers blood pressure and reduces the number of inflammatory cells that promote deadly arterial plaque known to reduce blood flow to the heart muscle.

Astaxanthin is further shown to boost the heart`s pumping capacity to maintain normal blood flow to the muscle and other vital organs throughout the body. Researchers found that astaxanthin inhibits the effects of advanced glycation end products (AGE`s) that form through normal cellular function and can increase the incidence of diabetes by altering glucose metabolism. Scientists have demonstrated that astaxanthin reduces markers of oxidative stress and inflammation and improves the way blood flows through the vascular system to lower the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Astaxanthin Reduces Brain Free Radicals to Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Astaxanthin Shown to Improve Brain Oxidative Stress to Prevent Dementias

Astaxanthin Shown to Improve Brain Oxidative Stress to Prevent Dementias

Compelling research published in the British Journal of Nutrition posits the effect of supplemented astaxanthin on development and progression of Alzheimer`s dementia. One of the significant markers of the disease is the proliferation of phospholipid hydroperoxides (PLOOH) in the blood. Excess levels cause free radical damage in the brain that can damage neural structures and are associated with progression of Alzheimer`s dementia.

The study found that supplementing with 6 to 12 mg of astaxanthin daily for 12 weeks lowered blood levels of PLOOH up to 50%. Astaxanthin was found to be a potent antioxidant that could easily cross the blood-brain barrier to dramatically lower oxidative stress.

Study researchers concluded “These results suggest that astaxanthin supplementation results in improved erythrocyte antioxidant status and decreased phospholipid hydroperoxide levels, which may contribute to the prevention of dementia.” Based on an ongoing body of compelling evidence to support the amazing benefits of astaxanthin, health-minded individuals will want to supplement with 4 to 12 mg daily to support heart and brain health.


Coffee Consumption Inhibits Alzheimer’s Dementia Progression

September 20, 2011
Coffee Consumption Shown to Inhibit Cognitive Decline in Seniors

Coffee Consumption Shown to Inhibit Cognitive Decline in Seniors

Researchers publishing in the Journal of Alzheimer`s Disease have discovered that a natural chemical compound found in coffee combines with caffeine to create a protective shield against the development and progression of Alzheimer`s disease. Blood levels of a protective protein complex known as GCSF, short for granulocyte-colony stimulating factor are stimulated by coffee consumption and are shown to thwart disease progress.

Health-conscious individuals will want to consider drinking several cups of java each day to dramatically lower the risk of developing Alzheimer`s disease and preserve precious memories that can be stolen as the disease progresses.

Compound Found in Coffee Beans Protects Against Cognitive Decline

Coffee Stimulates Scavenging Brain Antioxidants into Action

Coffee Stimulates Scavenging Brain Antioxidants into Action

Researchers used mice that are genetically predisposed to develop Alzheimer`s disease to demonstrate naturally occurring compounds in coffee are able to fight off the disease process. Prior studies confirm that caffeine alone does not protect against the memory-robbing condition, yet observational studies in humans reported that daily coffee/caffeine intake during mid-life decreases the risk of Alzheimer`s disease.

The study demonstrated that caffeine consumption is an important part of the protective nature of coffee, but another yet unidentified chemical is required to maximize the effect. No protection against Alzheimer`s disease was found with consumption of decaffeinated coffee. Lead study author, neuroscientist Dr. Chuanhai Cao commented “Caffeinated coffee provides a natural increase in blood GCSF levels”.

Coffee Consumption Shown to Increase Neuron Development

Coffee Compound May Help Break Up Amyloid Protein Clusters

Coffee Compound May Help Break Up Amyloid Protein Clusters

Mice that were fed a regular diet of caffeinated coffee (equivalent to 4 or 5 cups of coffee each day) showed a significant increase in GCSF compared to control animals fed decaffeinated coffee or water only. Dr. Cao found “The exact way that this occurs is not understood. There is a synergistic interaction between caffeine and some mystery component of coffee that provides this beneficial increase in blood GCSF levels.”

The study authors identified three critical ways that increased levels of the protective protein GCSF improve memory performance. GCSF encourages stem cells from the bone marrow to enter the brain and remove harmful beta-amyloid clusters that are the hallmark of disease progression. Further, GCSF helps to create new connections between brain cells and increases the number of new neurons in the brain. Any natural compound that promotes the release of this protein complex will protect against the development of Alzheimer`s disease.

Caffeinated coffee consumption is safe for the vast majority of adults. The study authors concluded “We see no reason why an inherently natural product such as coffee cannot be more beneficial and safer than medications, especially to protect against a disease that takes decades to become apparent after it starts in the brain.” Five cups of coffee each day may provide a protective shield against this devastating form of dementia.


Cinnamon Bark Extract Shows Promise in Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention and Treatment

September 18, 2011
Cinnamon Extract Helps Control Brain Insulin Levels to Inhibit Brain Plaques

Cinnamon Extract Helps Control Brain Insulin Levels to Inhibit Brain Plaques

Researchers from Tel Aviv University report in the PLoS ONE journal that the common spice cinnamon found in many kitchen pantries around the world may hold a crucial key to preventing Alzheimer`s disease. Alzheimer`s disease cases are growing at an exponential pace, currently affecting one in eight people over the age of 65.

Cutting edge research posits that the devastating illness is in part the result of metabolic disruption in the brain and has been coined `Type III diabetes` as it disrupts insulin levels in brain tissue. An extract found in cinnamon bark, called CEppt has been shown to inhibit the development and progression of the disease in this latest study.

Cinnamon Bark Extract Shown to Inhibit Plaque Formations in Alzheimer’s Brain Model

Cinnamon Prevents Alzheimer's Progression in Mouse Model

Cinnamon Prevents Alzheimer's Progression in Mouse Model

Researchers from the Department of Zoology at Tel Aviv University found that potent extracts from cinnamon bark inhibit the toxic amyloid polypeptide oligomers and fibrils that have been found in Alzheimer`s brain plaque formations. The healing power of cinnamon has been known since biblical times as high priests used the spice to protect against infectious disease. Antiviral properties have been confirmed by modern research, prompting studies to further examine extracts from the spice in the development of Alzheimer`s disease.

Scientists have isolated the CEppt active compound found in cinnamon bark and created an aqueous solution for use in research experiments. The solution was fed to genetically altered mice that have been predisposed to develop an aggressive form of Alzheimer`s disease. After a period of four months, researchers found that development of the disease had been slowed dramatically and activity levels and longevity was comparable to a control group of healthy mice.

Cinnamon Supplementation can Break Up Classic Amyloid Plaque to Prevent Dementia Development

Cinnamon Supplementation is a Natural Solution to Help Prevent Dementia

Cinnamon Supplementation is a Natural Solution to Help Prevent Dementia

In addition to the disease regression findings, researchers determined that the cinnamon extract was found to break up the classic amyloid protein clusters in test tube experiments. Lead researcher Professor Michael Ovadia believes this indicates that CEppt is not only important to inhibit the development and progression of Alzheimer`s disease but may help to break up existing tangles once they have formed.

Many natural substances including resveratrol, curcumin and blueberries have shown promise in preventing this devastating form of dementia, but no therapy exists that can reverse the disease once a diagnosis has been presented. Professor Ovadia commented on the results of this research “The discovery is extremely exciting. While there are companies developing synthetic AD inhibiting substances, our extract would not be a drug with side effects, but a safe, natural substance that human beings have been consuming for millennia.”

Scientists conducting this study did not publish the amount of cinnamon used to produce their results. Nutrition experts recommend using cinnamon liberally sprinkled on food daily or supplementing with 500 mg of cinnamon bark extract taken daily with meals. Cinnamon is rapidly becoming a natural compound that may hold the key to prevent and treat Alzheimer`s disease.