Archive for the ‘Resistance Training’ Category


Top Exercises Deliver Weight Loss Results

November 5, 2010

(Article first published as Structured Exercise Program is Key to Weight Loss Success on Technorati.)

Structured Group Exercise Plan Assists Weight Loss Efforts

Structured Group Exercise Plan Assists Weight Loss Efforts

As anyone who has tried to lose weight can tell you, you must have a solid plan in place in order to be successful. And even then your chances of actually reaching your weight loss goal and keeping it off permanently are relatively slim. How you approach the whole process is much more important than counting each calorie and monitoring each step of the process. Once you’ve made the big decision to lose weight, joining a structured program and finding the right exercise regimen have been shown to help you reach your weight loss target.

Study Finds Structured Exercise is Important to Weight Loss Success

The results of a study published in the journal Obesity shows that participants who were part of a registered group that was provided with a structured fitness plan exercised an average of 42 minutes per day. They were compared to two control groups consisting of participants who had never been overweight who exercised for 26 minutes a day and a third group who were obese that engaged in 19 minutes of physical activity each day. In this study those who were part of a structured group exercised considerable longer than their non-structured peers.

Type of Exercise is Important to Weight Loss

Fast Paced Walking is a Great Aerobic Exercise

Fast Paced Walking is a Great Aerobic Exercise

Most people will choose between aerobic and resistance exercise to improve heart health and increase muscle tone. Any exercise that prompts you to get up and move will benefit your weight loss efforts. Walking at a fast pace is a great way to burn calories and increase cardiac performance. Walking is fun and most people find it easy to stick with a daily 30 minute walk. It’s important to understand that this type of exercise will burn approximately 125 calories that will result in slow weight loss as long as you don’t compensate with extra food.

Short Burst Resistance Exercise Gets Results

Short Burst Resistance Training Burns Extra Calories

Short Burst Resistance Training Burns Extra Calories

A new type of resistance training is rapidly becoming the exercise of choice for those trying to lose weight. Short burst exercises require you to exert yourself at your maximum potential for 60 to 90 seconds and then rest for 2 minutes. Repeat for 12 to 15 repetitions and be sure to cross train different parts of the body and muscle groups. This type of training can burn as many calories in 20 minutes as 30 to 40 minutes of aerobic conditioning. Try alternating aerobic conditioning and fast burst training on different days to obtain the best results.

Exercise provides an important catalyst to a reduced calorie diet, stress management and improved mindset for those people intent on losing weight. As with any significant goal, developing and committing to a plan are the keys to success. You can improve the odds that you’ll stick with a weight loss program by joining a structured group and choosing an aerobic or resistance exercise routine to improve your health and achieve your weight loss accomplishment.


Cardio or Resistance Training: Best for Health and Weight Loss

August 14, 2010

(Article first published as Choosing the Correct Exercise Workout for Weight Loss and Health on Technorati.)

Aerobic and Resistance Training Offer Different Benefits

Aerobic and Resistance Training Offer Different Benefits

It can be difficult to determine if your workout is sufficient to meet your health and weight loss goals. For many people, just making the effort to exercise for 20 minutes several days a week is good enough to provide them with basic fitness benefits. Others need a more rigorous aerobic training session to peak their heart rate and boost overall health.

Establish Your Training Goal

Everybody has different needs to optimize an exercise workout based on level of fitness and long term expectations. If weight loss is your goal, then it’s more important to extend the duration of your training session at a moderate intensity. Target 45 to 60 minute session 5 or 6 days per week, as this will kick start your fat burning metabolism and optimize your weight loss potential.

For those more interested in reducing risk from heart disease and improving overall health from their workout, experts recommend short burst resistance exercise routines. This type of exercise cross-trains the body in high intensity 2 minute intervals, incorporating 10 to 12 repetitions while covering all major muscle groups. Information provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) outlines the essential elements your fitness routine should include, regardless of your personal goal.

Punch a Fitness Time Clock

CDC experts suggest that you’re engaged in some type of moderate level physical activity for 150 minutes each week or 75 minutes of more intense training. Moderate activities include brisk walking, mowing the lawn or cleaning the house, while jogging and running are examples of more intense activities.

Be sure to keep a record of your exercise sessions, as your training activities are cumulative. 150 minutes may sound like a lot, but when you break it down into 10 or 15 minute fitness chunks, you’ll find that the time goes by quickly. Spreading your exercise routine across multiple days and different times will also condition your body toward fat metabolism and weight loss.

Choose Cardio for Weight Loss

Choose Cardio Aerobic Exercise for Weight Loss

Choose Cardio Aerobic Exercise for Weight Loss

Cardio aerobic exercise gets you breathing harder and your heart beating faster. Not only does it provide protection from heart disease, but it increases metabolism, lowers blood sugar levels and assists in weight loss. If weight loss is your goal for training, its’ important to monitor your diet carefully, especially when first starting to exercise, as the body will send an unconscious signal to eat more in an effort to compensate for your increased energy expenditure.

Resistance Training for Toning and Health

Resistance Training Best for Body Sculpting

Resistance Training Best for Body Sculpting

Resistance exercises such as those incorporating free weights, fitness bands or the body’s own weight are excellent for body shaping, toning and improving general health. The condition of our muscular system determines the nature of our health and longevity, especially as we age so it’s essential to incorporate resistance training to maintain muscle tone.

Understanding the importance of exercise in achieving your physical conditioning and weight loss goals is an important first step. Once you determine a desired result, you can develop a fitness program which is best suited to your needs. Choose cardio aerobic training to maximize weight loss, resistance training to improve overall health, or a combination of both. Whichever route you take, you’ll benefit from the health stimulating benefits of a properly designed fitness routine.


Is Cardio or Resistance Exercise Best for Weight Loss and Health

August 14, 2010
(Article first published as Choosing the Correct Exercise Workout for Weight Loss and Health on Technorati.)

It can be difficult to determine if your workout is sufficient to meet your health and weight loss goals. For many people, just making the effort to exercise for 20 minutes several days a week is good enough to provide them with basic fitness benefits. Others need a more rigorous aerobic training session to peak their heart rate and boost overall health.

Establish Your Training Goal
Everybody has different needs to optimize an exercise workout based on level of fitness and long term expectations. If weight loss is your goal, then it’s more important to extend the duration of your training session at a moderate intensity. Target 45 to 60 minute session 5 or 6 days per week, as this will kick start your fat burning metabolism and optimize your weight loss potential.

For those more interested in reducing risk from heart disease and improving overall health from their workout, experts recommend short burst resistance exercise routines. This type of exercise cross-trains the body in high intensity 2 minute intervals, incorporating 10 to 12 repetitions while covering all major muscle groups. Information provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) outlines the essential elements your fitness routine should include, regardless of your personal goal.

Punch a Fitness Time Clock
CDC experts suggest that you’re engaged in some type of moderate level physical activity for 150 minutes each week or 75 minutes of more intense training. Moderate activities include brisk walking, mowing the lawn or cleaning the house, while jogging and running are examples of more intense activities.

Be sure to keep a record of your exercise sessions, as your training activities are cumulative. 150 minutes may sound like a lot, but when you break it down into 10 or 15 minute fitness chunks, you’ll find that the time goes by quickly. Spreading your exercise routine across multiple days and different times will also condition your body toward fat metabolism and weight loss.

Choose Cardio for Weight Loss

Cardio aerobic exercise gets you breathing harder and your heart beating faster. Not only does it provide protection from heart disease, but it increases metabolism, lowers blood sugar levels and assists in weight loss. If weight loss is your goal for training, its’ important to monitor your diet carefully, especially when first starting to exercise, as the body will send an unconscious signal to eat more in an effort to compensate for your increased energy expenditure.

Resistance Training for Toning and Health

Resistance exercises such as those incorporating free weights, fitness bands or the body’s own weight are excellent for body shaping, toning and improving general health. The condition of our muscular system determines the nature of our health and longevity, especially as we age so it’s essential to incorporate resistance training to maintain muscle tone.

Understanding the importance of exercise in achieving your physical conditioning and weight loss goals is an important first step. Once you determine a desired result, you can develop a fitness program which is best suited to your needs. Choose cardio aerobic training to maximize weight loss, resistance training to improve overall health, or a combination of both. Whichever route you take, you’ll benefit from the health stimulating benefits of a properly designed fitness routine.


Exercise Timing Important for Weight Loss

July 15, 2010

(Article first published as Exercise Tips That Drive Weight Loss and Burn Fat on Technorati.)

The body is an amazingly efficient metabolic machine which stores excess caloric energy for use in times of famine. Unfortunately our genetically programmed survival mechanism leads to failure for the majority of people trying to lose weight. Information published in the American College of Sports Medicine provides encouragement to those who use exercise as a catalyst to drop excess weight.

Professional athletes load up on fast burning carbs before they train, as this provides the necessary energy they need to perform at a competitive level. Research indicates that people who don’t eat before exercising burned significantly more body fat, and for a longer period of time than those who ate prior to exercise. Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred source of energy, and when carbs are not readily available, fat is burned instead.

This information is important for individuals interested in sustainable weight loss. Many people believe they need to eat prior to exercise, as this provides fuel for training. In effect they’re simply burning the calories just eaten, and never turn up their fat burning metabolism, unless they exercise intensely or for an extended period. Research sheds an important light on the proper steps to follow to maximize the weight loss effect from each exercise session.

Tip 1: Carb Fast Prior to Exercise to Burn Fat

Fat burning in the body shifts into high gear when energy from a recent meal is limited and you begin to exercise. The body must find an energy source and shifts to your fat reserves. Eating a meal high in carbohydrates will cause your body to focus on burning existing calories, and a full stomach actually encourages fat storage, even during exercise.

Carb fasting before exercise will provide weight loss results for many people, but it’s important to note that is may not be for everyone, especially those individuals with poorly controlled blood sugar or diabetes. If fasting of any type is not an option, eating 3 or 4 smaller meals per day will work better to control blood sugar spikes. Avoid processed carbohydrates or any type of food which breaks down to glucose quickly, including fruits, sweetened beverages and juices.

Tip 2: Use Protein to Increase Metabolism
Protein is your friend when trying to lose weight. Proteins are very difficult for the body to break down, and therefore don’t provide an easy source of energy, forcing the body to break into its fat reserves for fuel. Research from the Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise journal demonstrates that whey protein eaten 30 minutes before exercise boosts the fat burning metabolism for up to 24 hours after the workout ends.

Tip 3: Choose High Intensity Interval Exercise to Drive Weight Loss

Choosing the right type of exercise is essential to maximizing the fat burning potential of a training session. While aerobic exercise is important for its heart healthy benefits, high intensity interval training is optimized for metabolizing fat. Resistance exercises which train the muscles in short bursts at high intensity for 1 to 2 minutes per repetition help to build fat burning muscle. We have evolved with this ‘fight or flight’ type of exercise, and it’s the key to priming our fat burning furnace.

Exercise is the catalyst to successful weight loss, and improving the efficiency of each training session will step our metabolism into overdrive, burning stored fat for energy. While it’s possible to lose weight without exercise, most people understand that a reduced calorie diet and regular exercise are necessary for permanent weight loss. Get the most health and weight loss benefits from exercise by coordinating meal timing and food choices with high energy resistance training.


Top Diabetes Weight Loss Diet

May 18, 2010
(Article first published as Top Diabetes Weight Loss Diet on Technorati.)
Diabetes ranks as the sixth leading cause of death in the US with new cases of the disease rising at alarming levels, especially among children and teens. More alarming is the fact that diabetes more than doubles the risk of sudden death from a heart attack.
Weight loss among those suffering from diabetes is very difficult as the body’s delicate glucose and lipid balancing mechanisms are disrupted, causing excess pounds to become resistant to traditional diet plans. Following a simple, natural three step plan can provide weight loss relief and health benefits to diabetics and those concerned with preventing this devastating disease.

1. Control Diabetes With Food

The Hippocrates quote ‘Let food be thy medicine’ holds special meaning when discussing diabetes. Medical advise provided to those newly diagnosed with the disease include a variety of prescription medications and a ‘low-fat’ diet which is laden with carbohydrates, both of which lead to a proliferation of diabetes and life threatening complications. Diabetes drugs work by forcing sugar into the cells whether needed or not, and don’t address the core problem.

Diabetics are particularly sensitive to the effect of carbohydrates on blood sugar and a resulting high level of triglycerides. Excess triglycerides circulating in the blood are directly responsible for fat storage in the body, and too many carbohydrates at any given meal will be converted to this fat storage lipid resulting in weight gain.

To prevent and treat diabetes, it’s critical to limit carbohydrates from all sources with each meal. Totally eliminate refined carbohydrates from desserts, potatoes and breads. Even fruits and vegetables in large quantities can create blood sugar problems, depending on individual metabolism. Be sure to include a fat source with each meal, as this helps to regulate the release of sugar into the blood. Lean protein sources from chicken, turkey and pork as well as nuts and seeds have minimal impact on blood glucose and triglyceride levels.
As you remove junk carbohydrate calories from your diet, it becomes easier to monitor total caloric intake to achieve slow and healthy weight loss. Women should target 1200 calories a day, and men need around 1500 calories for effective weight loss.

2. Monitor After Meal Blood Sugars

The best way to determine your carbohydrate sensitivity is to test your blood sugar at 1 and 2 hour intervals after eating. Strong evidence exits which indicates that it’s the post meal blood sugar readings which determine the risk for diabetic complications. It’s also important for those wishing to avoid this disease, as it provides a real-time reading of overall blood glucose control. Many people are unaware they may be pre-diabetic, or already have the disease.

Blood sugar readings 1 hour after a meal should not exceed 140 mg/dl, and no more than 120 mg/dl after 2 hours. Readings which are higher are indicative of metabolic dysfunction, where the cells are bathed in excess sugar for many hours of the day. 
This leads to a condition known as Syndrome X, and significantly increases risk of heart disease, heart attack, stroke, and kidney disease. It also raises triglyceride levels, leading to stubborn weight gain as the body works to store excess sugar as fat. Regular blood sugar monitoring to optimal levels will ensure proper metabolic function, improved health and reduced weight.

3. Develop a Resistance Training Exercise Program

Compliment your new diet and blood sugar monitoring plan with regular exercise. The power of physical activity cannot be underestimated, as it helps the muscles to properly utilize blood sugar for energy.  When done most days of the week, the body is trained to become metabolically efficient, as sugar and triglycerides are ushered out of the blood quickly after finishing each meal.

Recent studies show that progressive resistance training using weights or power bands in short bursts are the best method of achieving physical health, as it mimics the exercise patterns of our evolutionary ancestors. Be sure to work all major muscle groups at high intensity for 1 to 2 minutes and then rest for the same time. 20 minutes a day is enough for beneficial effects.
Those wishing to prevent or treat diabetes must be disciplined in following this three step plan. Proper diet is the only way to halt the devastating effects excess carbohydrates have on our metabolism, and blood sugar monitoring provides the necessary confirmation that the program is working properly. Resistance exercise assists the body to naturally regulate insulin and blood sugar, the end result being improved health and sustainable weight loss.