Archive for the ‘Curcumin’ Category


Super Nutrients Promote Healthy Cellular Housekeeping

May 10, 2011
Resveratrol and Curcumin Help Cells Eliminate Waste

Resveratrol and Curcumin Help Cells Eliminate Waste

Every cell in our body generates waste that must be removed to preserve normal function. This process is called autophagy and is known to decline in efficiency as we age. When excess cellular debris is allowed to accumulate in our cells, normal function is altered and the cell begins to deteriorate.

This paves the way for accelerated aging and chronic illnesses including heart disease, many cancer lines and neurologic disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. Cutting edge research underscores the importance of natural nutrients such as resveratrol, curcumin, berries and leafy greens to induce autophagy and lower the risks associated with premature aging.

Resveratrol Triggers Natural Cellular Housekeeping

Resveratrol Influences the SIRT-1 Gene That Lengthens Cell Life

Resveratrol Influences the SIRT-1 Gene That Lengthens Cell Life

Resveratrol is a powerful nutrient that has been shown to directly influence genes that regulate metabolic mechanisms and promote longevity. In addition to mimicking the effect of calorie restriction, resveratrol is emerging as a compound that can be used to assist the removal of cellular debris and improve efficiency.

The result of a study published in the Impact Journal on Aging demonstrates how resveratrol triggers autophagy in otherwise dormant cells. Resveratrol is shown to activate a series of proteins known as SIRT 1 that protect the delicate functional structures within the cell body and stimulate waste removal. This action effectively sets off a chain of events that leads to improved cellular efficiency and anti-aging characteristics.

Curcumin is a Powerful Anti-Cancer Agent

Curry Spice is a Potent Agent in the Fight Against Cancer

Curry Spice is a Potent Agent in the Fight Against Cancer

Curcumin has a long history as an effective weapon in the fight against cancer and as an anti-aging nutrient. Derived from curry powder, curcumin has been shown to initiate normal cell death in abnormal cancer cells in a process called apoptosis. The nutrient works on cellular DNA to stimulate the removal of waste debris and can target precancerous tumor cells to undergo programmed destruction.

Information published in the British Journal of Cancer explains that curcumin targets several death pathways in cancer cells that can become disabled, allowing uncontrolled growth and proliferation. Researchers found the curry extract to be particularly effective in cancers of the digestive tract and esophagus and concluded, “it is likely that curcumin and indeed some of its bioavailability-enhanced analogues are realistic options to be considered in the future for targeted molecular cancer prevention and treatment.”

Berries and Leafy Greens Found to be Neuroprotective

Blueberries, strawberries and spinach are natural foods that exhibit a strong protective shield to the aging brain. An analysis published in The Journal of Neuroscience demonstrates the capacity of these super foods to induce autophagy. Berries and leafy greens are packed with polyphenols and anthocyanins that convey powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to these foods.

The study authors found that compounds in berries and spinach were able to cross the blood-brain barrier and directly influence the functional capacity of neurons. The lead study author noted the findings from this research suggest that nutritional intervention with fruits and vegetables may play an important role in reversing the deleterious effects of aging on neuronal function and behavior.”

Cellular housekeeping is an essential task that determines our rate of aging and risk of developing chronic disease. In addition to proper diet and regular exercise, health-minded individuals can take advantage of natural nutrients such as resveratrol and curcumin and foods like berries and spinach to maximize cellular autophagy and extend our natural lifespan.


Indian Spice Curcumin Shows Strong Anti-Cancer Properties

March 21, 2011

(Article first published as This Indian Spice Packs a Powerful Anti-Cancer Punch on Technorati.)

Powerful Indian Spice Helps Prevent Cancer Initiation

Powerful Indian Spice Helps Prevent Cancer Initiation

Known as a staple in the Indian diet, curry and its powerful polyphenol derivative curcumin have rapidly gained attention as a potent antioxidant compound that is used to prevent and treat many forms of cancer. Curcumin is taking its rightful place among a small handful of agents that fight cancer at the genetic level by inhibiting ten critical initiation steps necessary for development and progression of the disease.

The spice can no longer be considered an herbal remedy as it has demonstrated efficacy in more than 240 peer reviewed research studies over the past year alone. Scientists continue to provide conclusive evidence that indicates all health-minded adults should include curcumin as part of their regular diet.

Curcumin Influences Gene Expression That Leads to Cancer

Curcumin Influences Genes That Halt Cancer Proliferation

Curcumin Influences Genes That Halt Cancer Proliferation

Cancer is known to develop through ten independent causative factors including DNA damage, chronic inflammation, cellular signaling dysfunction, abnormal cell death and metastasis. As if designed by nature to provide a protective shield against each of the factors known to promote cancer, curcumin has been shown to inhibit and halt the expression of genes that allow cancer cells to multiply.

Publishing in the AAPS Journal, researchers found that curcumin is an inexpensive natural compound that fights cancer at its root cause by derailing the initiation phase of ten different pathways used by the disease to multiply and spread throughout the body. Curcumin has also been shown to interfere with the production of advanced glycation end products that promote the accumulation of dangerous inflammatory byproducts that lead to cancerous mutations.

Curcumin Shown to Trigger Natural Cell Death to Prevent Cancer

Curcumin Triggers Natural Cell Death to Thwart Cancer

Curcumin Triggers Natural Cell Death to Thwart Cancer

The FEBS Journal reports that curcumin is particularly effective in targeting hormone-dependent forms of the disease such as breast cancer. The study found that curcumin is able to induce apoptosis (normal programmed cell death) in the most resistant breast cancer cells that lack estrogen receptors. The spice targets only cancerous cells causing them to self-destruct by destroying the mitochondria that power the rapidly growing tumor tissue.

Curcumin is a potent agent in the fight against colon cancer, an insidious form of the disease that ranks second among cancer deaths taking the lives of more than 50,000 Americans each year. The Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research provides evidence that curcumin slows the progression from colon polyp to cancerous growth by damping the pro-inflammatory cytokine called NF-kB. This action halts the development of cancer cells before they can become detectable tumors.

An extensive library of research underscores the importance of curcumin as an anti-cancer agent. As the second leading cause of death, cancer will affect 1 in 3 women and half of all men during their lifetime. Any natural compound that can help to lower these statistics should be embraced by traditional and alternative medical institutions alike. Nutritionists recommend supplementing with 250 to 400 mg of curcumin twice daily with meals to provide optimal cancer protection.


Super Nutrients Prevent Heart Disease, Cancer and Dementia

February 23, 2011

(Article first published as Powerful Nutrient Trio Protects the Brain and Heart on Technorati.)

Nutrient From Food Promote Good Health

Nutrients From Food Promote Good Health

Humans have relied on natural extracts and powerful nutrients to prevent disease and maintain health for countless generations. The typical diet consists mostly of foods that have been heavily processed so that most of the vitamins and minerals we need to sustain optimal health have been eliminated.

Estimates are that only 1 in 20 people consumes the minimum daily recommendation of 5 servings of vegetables and fruits. Most individuals are therefore deficient in a wide array of phytonutrients supplied by fresh produce that are essential for disease prevention. You can improve your health by adding these natural nutrients to your diet or supplemental arsenal.

Curcumin Shown to Protect the Brain and Liver

Curcumin Crosses to the Brain to Prevent Dementia

Curcumin Crosses to the Brain to Prevent Dementia

Curcumin is the active component of the Indian spice, tumeric that gives curry its deep yellow color. This potent antiviral is known to provide critical protection to the brain as it can easily cross the blood-brain barrier. Researchers have shown that the spice extract can effectively inhibit the formation of brain plaque that is associated with Alzheimer`s disease and other neurological disorders such as Parkinson`s.

New research published in the journal Endocrinology confirms how curcumin can help prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver. Fatty liver disease is a potentially fatal affliction that worsens with excess body weight and obesity. The liver is our primary organ responsible for filtering toxins from the blood as well as hundreds of other important metabolic functions within our body. Any natural nutrient that can help keep fat from clogging the normal activity of our liver is critical to our health.

Garlic Dramatically Lowers Risk from Many Cancer Lines

Garlic Can Lower Blood Pressure and Avert Cancer Initiation

Garlic Can Lower Blood Pressure and Avert Cancer Initiation

Sulfur is the active compound that makes garlic difficult for many to eat raw and also contributes to its long list of health benefits. Our body uses the breakdown of sulfur to power a process known as methylation. Through this chain of chemical reactions our body is able to perform many critical functions that promote healthy immune response and clear waste products from our cells.

The result of a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition demonstrates that a diet including garlic (and onions) was inversely related to the risk of many forms of cancer. Pancreatic cancer risk was lowered by 54%, prostate cancer by 51% and colon cancer rates were cut in half. Researchers believe that an improved immune response is behind the cancer fighting ability associated with garlic.

Green Tea in the Fight Against Obesity and Heart Disease

The catechins in green tea (EGCG) have been known for their ability to fight diseases ranging from cancer to dementia and heart disease. Extensive research has shown that EGCG can effectively inhibit the blood supply required for the development and proliferation of cancer cells. Risk for developing deadly lung cancer was reduced by 66% in participants taking a concentrated form of green tea extract.

Green tea is also a powerful tool in the fight against heart disease. Information published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition explains how EGCG increases the oxidation of fat by boosting metabolism. This action assists in weight loss by increasing base metabolic rate. Green tea also lowers the risk of coronary artery disease by limiting oxidized LDL cholesterol that causes arterial plaque.

Natural antiviral nutrients are vital to our health. Those interested in lowering their risk of cancer, heart disease, dementia and liver dysfunction should be certain to include these powerful compounds through diet or supplementation.


Super Nutrients Slow Brain Aging, Improve Memory

January 22, 2011

(Article first published as Super Nutrients Shown to Reverse Brain Aging and Cognition on Technorati.)

Brain Aging and Cognitive Decline Are Not a Normal Part of Getting Older

Brain Aging and Cognitive Decline Are Not a Normal Part of Getting Older

Cognitive decline and memory loss are considered a normal function of aging by millions of people. A `senior moment` is the term coined to describe momentary forgetfulness that some people experience from time to time. Lapses in memory are not normal and are a strong indicator of brain decline that typically progresses over a period of several decades.

Our brain requires nutrition, healthy blood flow and oxygen just as any organ to remain `plastic` and be able to function at optimal capacity. Years of dietary abuse and exposure to toxic household and environmental chemicals cause brain stress, inflammation and insulin resistance. A trio of super nutrients demonstrates the capacity to improve brain health and lower the risk of cognitive decline.

Memory Decline is Not a Normal Part of Aging

The brain receives 20% of your body`s supply of freshly oxygenated blood. When this supply is restricted through narrowing of the arteries and inflammation, the brain experiences stress and cognition is diminished. Any nutrient that can specifically target and increase the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain can slow or even reverse brain decline and restore memory and learning abilities.

Carnitine Promotes Brain Rejuvenation

Carnitine Helps to Prevent Premature Brain Dysfunction

Carnitine Helps to Prevent Premature Brain Dysfunction

Carnitine is a naturally occurring amino acid that has been shown to benefit brain health, improve stress tolerance and protects against excitotoxic damage to brain neurons. Carnitine helps to prevent the nerve-related wear and tear that promotes the buildup of amyloid plaque and is associated with Alzheimer`s disease. Information released in the European Journal of Pharmacology demonstrates that the amino acid inhibits the secretion of nerve cell proteins that become tangled plaque in the brain.

Curcumin Reduces Brain Mediated Stress

Curcumin is a Powerful Antioxidant That Promotes Brain Health

Curcumin is a Powerful Antioxidant That Promotes Brain Health

The normal process of metabolic function creates free radicals that are damaging to the brain. We can limit the effects of free radicals by eating a naturally raw diet filled with fresh vegetables, nuts and seeds and limiting stressful situations. Super nutrients such as curcumin can help keep free radicals at bay by absorbing the impact of these damaging particles. The results of information published in the journal Neurotoxicity show that curcumin deactivates one of the most damaging free radicals known as peroxynitrite by boosting antioxidant defenses in the brain and lowering inflammatory responses.

DHA Required for Optimal Brain Function

The Omega-3 fat DHA continues to gain importance for its ability to rejuvenate brain cells and prevent cognitive decline. Not only is this essential fat required for neuronal and synaptic connections, but research also confirms that it actually controls the genetics that power the development of neural stem cells. Research published in the journal Neuroscience details how DHA helps to maintain brain plasticity and can prevent the decline that often leads to vascular dementia and Alzheimer`s disease.

Too many people take brain health for granted and accept a steady decline in memory and learning to be normal and acceptable. While the brain remains well protected, it`s still susceptible to many of ravages brought about by poor diet, stress and the environment. Natural nutrients including carnitine, curcumin and DHA are shown to prevent cognitive decline, improve memory and ensure vibrant brain health through advancing age.